S01 E43: Living in Denial

In this weeks episode of Lady and the Harlot Podcast, we discuss “Living in Denial.” Being in denial is a psychological defense mechanism against acknowledging “uncomfortable truths” in your relationship or who you are as a person. Unfortunately when we live in any form of denial, it causes us to not see the reality of what the bigger picture really looks like. We use it to overlook the flaws of our partners and to even alter our view of flaws by turning them into positive attributes in the way we view them. There are many reasons we use denial, including avoidance of physical or emotional pain, fear, shame or conflict, within a relationship, as well as being afraid to fully express our truth; or some people will stay in denial to ignore the truths for temporary happiness. Regardless of the fact, Living in denial is something we all have dealt with in some shape or form. Please Join Us as we Dive in this weeks topic.